Monday, March 23, 2015

2015-03-02 ¡Chapulines! Part Dos

Note from Kathy--not Rob!) Recently, our family back here in Washington decided to follow the advice of a dear friend (thanks, Monica! ;) ) who told us that one of the families in the Lake Washington Ward had a great restaurant in Snohomish (only about a half-hour or so away from us) that served tacos with Chapulines that’s right, folks…CRICKETS!  Though the restaurant people referred to them as grasshoppers, I was always taught that grasshoppers were larger and green…these were smaller and dark brown, and looked like what I was taught were crickets—perhaps a language difference?)  Our friend said we could go and order a couple of chapulines tacos and try them, just to be in harmony with Rob as he tries new foods in Mexico.  Sooo…with a lot of bravado, we headed for Calle Tacos and Tequila in Snohomish to see about his.  The following photos and captions are what we sent to Rob (though some aren’t the most flattering of us, but we only had a few to choose from!)  so he could see how much we love him and are willing to share his experiences.  (I bet he had no idea we could actually get chapulines here…the waitstaff said they were ordered from Mexico.)  So…without further ado, here is our photo album…

The place:  Calle Tacos and Tequila
The menu:  yes, we *were* a little loco!
The dish:  a share of Chapulines in tacos.

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