Tuesday, May 26, 2015

2015-5-10 Mother's Day...

This is from Rob and Rob's mom:  We spoke with Rob on Mother's Day,  It was great, but I got frustrated because we weren't able to get a video Skype going as usual.  I whined a little after seeing 6 or 8 of my friends with missionaries in the field posting photos of their guys on the computer screen, but I'm still glad we got to talk to him!  Here's what he said in answer to me: 

While talking to you was wonderful, seeing all my friends with their Skype screen shots of smiling missionaries on FB made me…well…jealous.  (I know.  Not a particularly Christ-like emotion, but there it is.) 

I know, I think it's the same emotion I feel when I hear that my friends are getting iPads, or taking Norwegian cruises on their P-days :)

I know, sorry, I tried to find a member with a computer, but the combination of Skype, a computer, and a webcam escaped me. But for Christmas I'll verify better before. Plus, I assume you'll all be together for Christmas, so it's ok.
(I was in Memphis for Rob's Great-Grandmother's 100th Birthday and his Dad and siblings were still here in Washington)

He also said it might be easier for him to write sometimes if we sent him questions we were wondering about.  You are ALL welcome to join that endeavor if you like!  Just write to him at robert.weatherford@myldsmail.net  He'd love that!

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