Ugh, writing's getting harder... I don't know what to say...
Let's start with Thanksgiving.
Yes, I was able to celebrate Thanksgiving this year! I was
not only reminded, but we had a really awesome lunch with the office
missionaries and President Córdova's family (and a couple of other
companionships that came in for various reasons and were invited to stay, and
other maintenance, genealogy, etc. workers that were invited as well. There was
a lot of food, and I had pecan pie for the first time in a while. It was
extremely satisfying! Thanks, Costco! And, especially, thank you to the
Willinghams, the senior couple in the offices. You watch over us extremely
well! They were the ones that staged and prepared the whole event.
In other news, César and Lupe (& Co.) have gone both
Sundays to church since we've met them, and they seem to be really happy! I
love this family a lot, and I'm really glad we've been able to meet them. Due
to some miracles (I haven't mentioned this yet, sorry--President Córdova has
been telling us that this month will be a month of miracles, and so I've been
trying hard to be worthy of them through work and faith) yesterday we were able
to pass through a legal hurdle standing in the way of them two getting married,
and so we're getting closer! Diciembre será un mes de milagros.
With Christmas approaching, we're also very busy in the
offices. Getting ready for the zone conferences, preparing a couple of musical
numbers for the ward Christmas dinner (Elder Gamboa, Elder Ribeiro, Elder
Hackleman and I will be singing a couple of hymns with our ward mission leader,
plus I'll be accompanying Elder Hackleman while he sings an arrangement of
"O Holy Night." Not to mention I've been doing my best at playing
Santa, trying to make sure everyone's Christmas packages get through customs,
out of the post office, to the right address, and out of whatever other
problem/hole they've managed to find their way into. I'm definitely learning a
lot, that's for sure.
Oh yeah! Don't forget to check out the website Or And then, after
checking it out, share it!
I know I'm not exactly consistent with sharing my
ponderizing scriptures... Sorry, hehe. Here's my latest one:
"And now, verily, verily I say unto thee, put your
trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good--yea to do justly, to walk
humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit.
Verily, verily I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my
Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with
Always, but especially in these times approaching the
day when we commemorate the birth of our Savior, we should put our trust in
that Spirit. First, we may need to learn to recognize it. The Lord tells us how
to do that. It's the one reminding us to do the right thing, to be humble, to
see things how they really are, to discern, to be more like the Savior. If
we've received that gift, the one that qualifies us for that companionship, and
always when we do what we need to be doing, when we sincerely go looking for
it, it'll be there. And then, once we've recognized that Spirit, we need to
follow it. Find someone whose life you can bless. Lift up the hands that hang down,
and strengthen the feeble knees. Help someone to discover, or rediscover, the
Savior. It doesn't have to be through preaching. It doesn't even have to be
through words. But once you've found that Spirit, spread it. It will fill your
soul with joy, and the souls of all those with whom you come into
These are President Eyring's words:
I know that he can explain this much better than I can...
Don't read it; if you have the time, it's better to listen. And then
after listening, set goals and act! He said that his purpose was "to
increase [our] desire and [our] determination to claim the gift promised to
each of us after we were baptized." I sustain this man as an apostle and
prophet, and I testify that his words have helped me.
Have a good week, everybody. I love you all.
Élder Rob Weatherford
P-day pictures...
P-day pictures...
...of a Christmas tree sent in Christmas package |
...of Élder Weatherford with an old comp, Elder Anaya, whom he sent home that day. Knocked out his "best two years," now on to his "next mission." Ok, enough with the cliches... |
...of Thanksgiving meal. Notice pie(s) in background. Notice smile on Elder Weatherford, Gamboa, and Ribeiro's face. Coincidence? I think not! |
I don't know if you can see it very well... This is a kit of "ninjabread" my family sent me for Christmas. Hilarious holiday martial arts fun to ensue the P-day directly preceding Christmas. Pictures to follow... |
Martinelli's! (I (Rob's mom) think this looks like a commercial for the Sparkling Cider company!) |
3. President Córdova's daughter Pamela's whiteboard
renderings of the office missionaries.
[Note: On Elder Ribeiro's drawing, it says: You still owe me
two Bubulubu's (Mexican candy). Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm
talking about!]
President Córdova's daughter Pamela's whiteboard renderings of the office missionaries. [Note: On Elder Ribeiro's drawing, it says: You still owe me two Bubulubu's (Mexican candy). Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about!] |
Élder Rob Waderfor